Lawyer Magdalena Tybor
A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Member of the Krakow Bar Association since 2016. Started operating on the legal services market in 2010.
I gained experience in a Court Executive Officer’s office, thereafter established a several-year cooperation with a reputable lawyer’s office in Kraków, where I could represent individual clients and business entities.
The main area of my professional practice are matters in the field of Civil Law, Administrative Law and services for business entities. The field of my private interests remain primarily issues related to judicial and administrative enforcement.
Science publications
- Zbieg egzekucji administracyjnych, egzekucji administracyjnej i sądowej, egzekucji i zabezpieczenia oraz zabezpieczeń, wyd. Currenda, Sopot 2016, ISBN 978-83-60833-84-1
- Sprzedaż przedsiębiorstwa w trybie egzekucji sądowej, Przegląd Prawa Egzekucyjnego,
nr 1/2019 (str. 45-60), ISSN 1731-030X - Zbiegi egzekucji oraz zabezpieczeń, Nowa Currenda. Dodatek Naukowy, nr 2/2016 (str. 30-41), ISSN 1508-0641