About Law Office

Law Office offers comprehensive legal services for individual clients and business entities. Legal assistance is provided with utmost diligence, commitment and individual approach to each entrusted case. The Law Firm offers the most optimal solutions for the client, taking into account the lowest costs and time of order completion.

The Law Firm cooperates with other Law and Legal Advisor’s offices, Court Executive Officer’s offices, Notary’s offices as well as court experts, translators and experts of various fields of knowledge. This cooperation guarantees high-quality services and provides a comprehensive solution to the client’s legal problem, while saving his time as well as reducing service costs.

Cases are conducted throughout the country, with particular emphasis on the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.

Legal assistance is provided primarily in the offices of the Law Firm. In exceptional circumstances, e.g. due to illness, disability or old age of the client, legal service is possible at the client’s place of residence.

The law firm is covered by civil liability insurance for professional activity (OC).

Adw. Magdalena Tybor


Pro Bono Services

As a part of our service, we provide free legal assistance to people in a difficult life situation, who cannot afford the costs of legal services.

As a part of the assistance provided, the Law Firm offers an option to obtain free legal advice on every last Wednesday of the month (after prior contact and scheduling an appointment). During this appointment, problems in the case will be identified and ways to solve them will be pinpointed. If you are interested in using this form of assistance, please contact us by phone or email.

Online legal advice

The Law Office offers electronic services.

E-advice is addressed to people who need immediate legal assistance, if for any reason visit in the office is impossible or this form of contact is preferred by customer.

In order to obtain online legal advice , contact form has to be filled in.


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Jakimi kosztami można obciążyć dłużnika?

Zatory płatnicze bywają poważnym problemem dla każdej firmy. Przepisy prawa wprowadzają pewne narzędzia dyscyplinujące dłużnika, które jednocześnie mają stanowić swego rodzaju rekompensatę dla wierzyciela, poprzez obciążenie nierzetelnego kontrahenta dodatkowymi kosztami związanymi z opóźnieniem w płatnościach. Jedną z takich sankcji jest obciążenie dłużnika odsetkami za opóźnienie w transakcjach handlowych.

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